Why can vision loss be solved by wearing glasses, but hearing loss is so troublesome?

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Because I face the screen every day, my myopia in both eyes has increased by 100 degrees without knowing it. Here, Wuhan Yimeng Hearing Rehabilitation would like to ask you in front of your mobile phone: Do you need to wear glasses in daily life, work and study, watching movies and binge-watching TV series? I wonder if you have ever thought about this question: Why is the problem of vision loss so easy to solve? There are reading glasses sold in supermarkets, which can be used by the elderly; at the glasses counter in the shopping mall, the prescription and prescription can be completed in as fast as an hour; if the myopia is too severe, you can go for laser surgery...

Why can vision loss be solved by wearing glasses, but hearing loss is so troublesome?
Vision loss can be corrected to normal levels through glasses or surgery, while hearing loss is generally accompanied by damage to the physiological structure of the cochlea or damage to the auditory nerve. Damage to the hair cells in the cochlea is irreversible, and once damaged, it is irreversible , irreparable, a large part of it will be lost when external sound is transmitted to the nerve center.

Although eyes and ears are both members of the facial features, vision loss and hearing loss cannot be treated in the same way. Vision loss can usually be corrected to a more normal level with glasses, but Hearing Aids are often less effective at improving hearing.

In other words, you cannot expect your hearing to completely return to normal after wearing a hearing aid. This is different from wearing glasses.

Regarding hearing loss, although hearing aid technology has improved significantly in the past decade, hearing aids are hearing aid tools after all and cannot repair or replace damaged inner ear hair cells.

These hair cells cannot actually regenerate, so when they are damaged or die, the number of signals transmitted to the brain will be greatly reduced. The brain can only analyze limited signals, so it is difficult for us to Recognize speech signals, that is, unclear hearing and unintelligible speech.

Hearing aids are good at amplifying the sound coming into the ear, but it is still difficult to select the part of the sound that the brain is interested in.

Current digital hearing aids have made great progress in this regard and can extract useful information from complex sounds, but there is still a long way to go before they can achieve the same effect of a pair of glasses on improving vision. Way to go.

Hearing surgical correction depends on the cause
 So? Can hearing problems be directly solved through a procedure similar to laser surgery?

The answer may still be hard to say.
Modern medicine has discovered that problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can be corrected by replacing and reshaping the intraocular lens. However, most hearing loss cannot currently be corrected through surgery. This is mainly related to the cause of hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss is related to external or middle ear diseases, such as excessive earwax, otitis media, or middle ear ossicular chain damage. Hearing can generally be improved or restored through surgery, drugs, and other medical means. But sensorineural hearing loss, which accounts for 90% of deafness, is not so lucky. This type of hearing loss is usually caused by damage to the inner ear, auditory nerve, and even the auditory center of the brain.

As mentioned above, damaged hair cells in the human ear cannot be repaired, and there is currently no effective method to repair them. Even if years later we have the ability to repair or regenerate hair cells in the inner ear, the surgery is often difficult because the inner ear is located deep within the temporal bones of the skull.

What is the most important thing?
So, now you understand that the treatment of hearing loss is not as easy as that of vision loss.
Then the most important “treatment” is early prevention! Always pay attention to how you use your ears and protect your ears. This is the most important thing! In addition, hearing function must also be evaluated and intervened in a timely manner.

In response to vision loss, ophthalmologists recommend that adults have a vision examination every two years. As for hearing loss, because hearing loss occurs most frequently in middle-aged and elderly people, hearing health experts recommend that adults under 50 Have a basic hearing test before age 55 and annual hearing follow-up after age 55.

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