If a child has poor hearing, what is the best time for language training?

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The incidence of hearing impairment in newborns is about 1%-3%. , normal children usually start babbling at 4-6 months, which is an important stage of language enlightenment, so early detection and early intervention are extremely important. It is necessary to actively treat, utilize residual hearing, and train early to better maintain and develop functions and reduce the burden on family and society.

My child has poor hearing, what is the best time for language training?
The key to human language development in early childhood is mainly manifested in three stages: the first stage occurs between 8 and 10 months after the child is born, which is a critical period for the baby to understand the meaning of language; the second stage occurs at 1 and a half years old Around the age of 5 and a half, it is a critical period for the development of infant oral language; the third stage occurs around the age of 5 and a half, which is a critical period for children to master Chinese grammar, understand abstract vocabulary, and begin to form comprehensive language abilities. "Early detection and diagnosis, early hearing compensation and early training" should be adopted for hearing impairment in young children.

As we all know, after discovering that a child has hearing loss, we advocate early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment. The premise of rehabilitation is to first solve the child's hearing problem. I don't know how old your child is and how hearing loss is, and whether hearing intervention is the best choice and the best compensation. Then we can directly enter the topic of rehabilitation to give you a reference. Rehabilitation is generally divided into school rehabilitation and family rehabilitation. The two complement each other, with family rehabilitation being the mainstay.

If your child is young, such as around 12 months old, the main thing you need to do is to accumulate rehabilitation knowledge and improve your own ability to interact with your child, and provide them with constant care at home. The child provides language input, so that the parent-child interaction between you and your child will gradually become better. At the same time, you should pay attention to cultivating your child's listening habits and strengthening your child's ability to actively detect environmental sounds. As children age around 24 months and above, some group activities are needed to develop children's game rules and communication skills, and to establish partnerships. For families whose parents can complete their children's home education well in the early stage, they can jump out of the The traditional rehabilitation model directly integrates with society to allow children to try new environments. Parents who fail to allow their children to develop in accordance with the age of hearing children in all aspects may consider seeking help from a rehabilitation center in a timely manner.

When most of the rehabilitation we talk about, people’s intuitive impression is to go to a rehabilitation center, but this is not the case. As mentioned above, family rehabilitation is also a type of rehabilitation. If we talk about the meaning of rehabilitation itself, then we recommend that children can be rehabilitated after they start wearing appropriate hearing aids. If we follow the idea of ​​going to a rehabilitation center for rehabilitation, I suggest that it varies from family to family. If you bring your own There is pressure on children to seek help from rehabilitation centers as early as possible. Some professional rehabilitation institutions are also capable of providing parent-child classes for very young children.

Most children’s language outbursts begin around the age of 2.5-3 years old and tend to stabilize at the age of 6 years old. Therefore, if you feel that you cannot provide better help to your child in recovery, try to wait until the age of 2.5 years old. seek when left and rightHelp, consider shortening the recovery period for the child.

Theoretically, the best age for children to engage in sensory integration training is 3-6 years old, because this period is the golden period for children’s sensory integration training. Children's sensory integration has already developed to a certain extent, and there are more types of sensory integration training available, and the results will naturally be more obvious.

Of course, in addition to the golden period of 3-6 years old, 0-12 years old is an important period for children’s sensory integration training.

0-3 years old is the preventive stage for sensory integration disorders. At this stage, the child's various sensory integration abilities are slowly developing. If the child is given a certain amount of sensory integration stimulation during this period, it can prevent sensory integration disorders in the future.

3-6 years old is the golden period for sensory integration training. During this period, providing children with professional and targeted customized training can quickly improve their sensory integration ability. Because during this period, children's dedicated neural pathways increase with sensory integration, allowing all five language areas of the brain to mature and establish connections. This period is a critical period for the formation of children's language, intelligence, and personality.

6-12 years old is the make-up period for sensory integration training. This period requires intensive and highly intensive sensory integration training, because children at this period have already developed some relatively complex psychological and behavioral responses. Some behaviors and psychology have already been formed. If you want to improve the sensory integration disorder, you need a high-intensity training program to allow the child to receive a large amount of sensory integration training stimulation, thereby improving the child's sensory integration ability.

After the age of 12, a child’s brain development is basically completed. At this time, if you want to improve sensory integration disorders and perform sensory integration training, you can only rely on perseverance.