What causes ear pain and how to deal with it correctly?

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Many friends will have colds in their daily lives. If not treated in time, it can easily lead to some complications. For example, earache after a cold is one of them. Some friends may develop earache symptoms after a cold.

What is earache and how to deal with it correctly?

1. Ear neuralgia
There are many nerves around the ear. Episodes of earache may occur when exposed to prolonged noise or unexplained stimulation.

1. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
2. Genital ganglion pain.
3. Supralaryngeal neuralgia.
4. Cervical plexus pain.

2. Otitis externa
When the ear is uncomfortable and itchy, some people like to use nails, hairpins, knitting needles, short wooden sticks, matchsticks, etc. in the ear Digging blindly. If you dig too hard or are bumped by someone, it is easy to puncture the skin of the ear canal, causing skin infection and inflammation. This disease not only causes earache, but may also be accompanied by bleeding.
Otitis externa occurs in the cartilage of the external auditory canal and is one of the common otological diseases. It is mostly caused by ear picking that damages the skin of the external auditory canal or water accumulation in the external auditory canal during bathing or after swimming, which softens the local epidermis and makes it easy for bacterial invasion and infection.
1. Auricle traction pain, tragus tenderness or pain when chewing;
2. External auditory canal ulceration and pus discharge;
3. May be due to swelling and obstruction of the ear canal, Causes hearing loss;
4. If the boil is on the front wall of the external auditory canal, swelling in front of the ear may occur and may involve the parotid gland; boil on the posterior wall may cause swelling behind the ear and mastoid.

Check that there are single or multiple small boils in the external auditory canal of the affected ear, showing localized redness, swelling and bulges. The pain becomes significantly worse when the auricle is pulled or the tragus is pressed. Blood tests may show an increased white blood cell count.

3. Ear herpes
This is related to viral infection. It is more common on the auricle. The earache caused by it is like acupuncture or burning, which is very uncomfortable. A few people may also be accompanied by facial nerve paralysis, hearing loss, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.
This is also a common cause of ear pain. This type of ear pain is mainly related to viral infection and manifests as pinpricks and burning sensations. This type of herpes mainly occurs on the auricle.
This disease mostly occurs on one side, mostly in adults. Patients usually first feel low-grade fever, headache and loss of appetite after catching a cold or being tired, and then develop severe pain in the ear on the affected side, and then in the front of the auricle, external auditory canal and tympanic membrane. Scattered light red papules appear on the surface, which gradually turn into numerous thin-walled small scars containing serum. In the later stage, the small scars gradually ulcerate on their own or merge into large scars and finally heal.

4. Ear tumors
When there is a malignant tumor in the ear canal or middle ear cavity, as the disease progresses, the malignant tumor infiltrates into the surrounding tissue.In addition to symptoms such as ear canal bleeding and hearing loss, there may also be varying degrees of earache.
The cause of squamous cell carcinoma is unclear. Squamous cell carcinoma of the auricle may be related to ultraviolet exposure, such as exposure to strong sunlight. Squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal may be related to inflammatory stimulation of chronic otitis externa or chronic otitis media.

5. Reflex ear pain (secondary ear pain)
Reflex ear pain, also known as secondary ear pain, is caused by the nerves that innervate the ear also innervating other parts. Sensation, so pain caused by lesions in other parts of the body can be reflected to the ear through this nerve, causing ear pain.
1. Periauricular diseases: acute periauricular lymphadenitis, mumps.
2. Nasal diseases: acute sinusitis, maxillary sinus cancer.
3. Oral cavity and pharyngeal diseases: wisdom tooth pericoronitis, tongue base ulcer, acute tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, pharyngeal tumor, pharyngeal abscess, pharyngeal ulcer.

4. Laryngeal diseases: laryngeal tuberculosis, hypopharyngeal cancer, excessive styloid process.

6. Furuncle and swelling of the external auditory canal
When otitis externa is not treated promptly, or when the patient is old and frail, suffers from diabetes, or the skin of the external auditory canal is exposed to water for a long time. When the skin surface resistance is weakened due to immersion, ear canal boils and swellings are likely to occur. The boil will gradually swell and become pus-filled, blocking the ear canal and causing gradually increasing pain.
Mostly, the skin of the external auditory canal is damaged by ear digging or water accumulates in the external auditory canal during bathing or swimming, which softens the local epidermis and makes it easy for bacterial invasion and infection. In addition, the impregnation of purulent otitis media and certain systemic diseases such as diabetes can also induce furuncle and swelling of the external auditory canal.

7. Excessive earwax accumulation
Earwax is what we commonly call earwax, and medical students call it earwax. This is the secretion of the cerumen gland under the skin of our ear canal. When this secretion accumulates, our hearing will be affected if it cannot be eliminated from the ear. If water enters the ear canal, these secretions will expand and compress our ear canal, causing ear pain.

8. Otitis media
This is the main cause of ear pain, especially in children under 8 years old. This is a common type of otogenic ear pain, which is caused by lesions in the ear itself. When bacterial purulent infection occurs in the middle ear cavity, the pus continues to increase and directly compresses the pain-sensitive tympanic membrane, causing bursts of pain in the ear, which can appear as pulsating pain along with the pulse beat.
Otitis media: Inflammation of the middle ear is otitis media, which is a common cause of earache in children. Otitis media often occurs in children under 8 years old. It is often a painful complication of an upper respiratory tract infection such as a common cold or throat infection. Otitis media, also known as "ear root", causes swelling and pain in the head and sometimes pus from the ear.
Symptoms of otitis media:
1. Tinnitus: mostly low-key and intermittent, such as "crackling" sounds, buzzing sounds, and running water sounds. when the headWhen exercising, yawning, or blowing your nose, you may hear the sound of air passing through your ears.
2. Earache: Acute patients may have dull earache, which is often the first symptom of the patient. It can be persistent or throbbing. Chronic earache is not obvious. This disease is often accompanied by a feeling of obstruction or fullness in the ear, which can be temporarily relieved by pressing the tragus.
3. Hearing loss: hearing loss and self-hearing enhancement. When the head is tilted forward or toward the healthy side, the hearing may be temporarily improved (displacement hearing improvement) because the fluid leaves the cochlea.

9. Insects flying into our ears

There are many mosquitoes in the summer. Moths and mosquitoes fly everywhere. If we are not careful, they will enter our ear canals, and often in our ear canals. Entering without knowing it, when these mosquitoes enter the ear, they will flap their wings and touch our eardrums, causing pain. This pain is relatively severe, and some people will have symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Correct approach:
1. When encountering this situation, we should not blindly pick out our ears with anything to prevent mosquitoes from crawling inside.
2. First, let the patient go to a dark place, shine a flashlight on the ear to attract mosquitoes, or drop one or two drops of cooking oil into the ear. This can wrap the mosquitoes and kill them, and then they will flow out with the oil. .
3. If these methods still don’t work, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
In short, the causes of ear pain are very complex. The key to treatment is to identify the cause and treat it symptomatically.

How to relieve pain at home

1. Ice compress, we can use ice pack, or wrap ice cubes in a towel to help relieve pain, But treating the symptoms does not address the root cause.

2. Hot compress. Heat can relieve pain and speed up blood circulation. You can try using a hot towel, but it also takes time to relieve.
3. Apple cider vinegar, which is very common in supermarkets, can change ph, remove germs, and relieve ear pain.
4. Olive oil is the kind you buy in supermarkets. It is made from earth. You can heat it slightly and then drop it into your ears, three to four drops each time.

5. Basil leaves are an analgesic plant. You can squeeze out the juice and drip it into the ears once a day to relieve pain;