Why can vision loss be solved by wearing glasses, but hearing loss is so troublesome?

Because I face the screen every day, my myopia in both eyes has increased by 100 degrees without knowing it. Here, Wuhan Yimeng Hearing Rehabilitation would like to ask


My hearing is always bad, what's going on?

Normal people’s hearing tends to decline after the age of 30. Usually, 6% to 10% of people aged 65 to 75 experience conscious hearing loss, and some elderly people even


What are the causes of hearing loss in children?

Statistics from the National Infant and Toddler Hearing Center: A child with normal hearing can master about 750 words by the age of three. If a child with hearing loss


How to diagnose congenital deafness in children as early as possible?

Congenital hearing loss is one of the common disabling diseases and has become a major public health issue of global concern. Among normal newborns, the incidence of bi


What symptoms can tell if an old man’s ears are bad?

Presbycusis refers to the progressive hearing loss that occurs gradually with age. This kind of deafness will gradually worsen. Generally, mild cases will only affect n


How to stay at home during the holidays with hearing-impaired parents?

The author of this issue: Shen WanyiSenior trainer of Ostar Hearing AidsGraduated from Mackay Medical College in TaiwanHas been invited to join an international team of


Why are men more likely to develop hearing loss after the age of 40?

According to the global epidemiological survey on hearing loss, men are more likely to suffer from hearing loss after the age of 40. Although men and women have the sam
